Milani, A., Pascual-Leone, J., Arsalidou, M. (2022). Converging Evidence for Domain General Developmental Trends of Mental Attentional Capacity: Validity and Reliability of Full and Abbreviated Measures. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Arsalidou, M., Skuratov, N., Khalezov, E., Bernstein, A., Burnaev, E., Sharaev, M. (2022). Effects of age, gender, and hemisphere on cerebrovascular hemodynamics in children and young adults: Developmental scores and machine learning classifiers. PLOS ONE.
Bachurina, V., Arsalidou, M. (2022). Multiple levels of mental attentional demand modulate peak saccade velocity and blink rate. Heliyon.
Bachurina, V., Suchchinskaya, S., Sharaev, M., Burnaev, E., Arsalidou, M. (2022). A machine learning investigation of factors that contribute to predicting cognitive performance: Difficulty level, reaction time and eye-movements. Decision Support Systems.
Zhozhikashvili, N., Zhaharov, I., Ismatullina V., Feklicheva, I, Malykh, S., Arsalidou, M. (2022). Parietal alpha oscillations: Cognitive load and mental toughness. Brain Sciences 12 (9) 1135.
Lysenko, E.S., Bogdanova, M.D., Arsalidou, M. (2022) Quantitative meta-analyses of cognitive abilities in children with pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychology Review.
Buyanova, I.S., Arsalidou, M. (2021). Cerebral White Matter Myelination and Relations to Age, Gender and Cognition: A Selective Review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 356.
Yaple, Z., Yu, R., Arsalidou, M. (2020). Spatial migration of human reward processing with functional development: Evidence from quantitative meta-analyses. Human Brain Mapping, 41,3993-4009. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25103
Arsalidou, M., Vijayarajah S., Sharaev, M. (2020). Basal ganglia lateralization in different types of reward. Brain Imaging and Behavior.
Arsalidou M., Yaple, Z., Jurcik, T., Ushakov, V. (2020). Cognitive brain signatures of youth with early onset and relatives with schizophrenia: Evidence from fMRI meta-analyses. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Arsalidou, M., Pascual-Leone, J., Johnson, J.M., Kotova, T. (2019). The constructive operators of the working mind: A developmental account of mental-attentional capacity. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science, 6(2), 44-55 (English version) 56-70 (Russian version).
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Zinchenko, O., Yaple, Z. A., & Arsalidou, M. (2018). Brain responses to dynamic facial expressions: a normative meta-analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 227.
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Zinchenko, O., & Arsalidou, M. (2018). Brain responses to social norms: Meta-analyses of fMRI studies. Human Brain Mapping, 39(2), 955-970.
Arsalidou, M., Pawliw-Levac, M., Sadeghi, M., Pascual-Leone, J. (2018). Brain areas associated with numbers and calculations in children: Meta-analyses of fMRI studies. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 239-250.
Yalpe, Z., & Arsalidou, M. (2017) Negative priming: A meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Experimental Brain Research, 1-8
Liashenko A., Khalezov E., Arsalidou M. (2017) Methods for Identifying Cognitively Gifted Children. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 14 (2), pp. 207-218.
Arsalidou, M., Sharaev, M.G., Kotova, T., & Martynova, O. (2017). Commentary: Selective Development of Anticorrelated Networks in the Intrinsic Functional Organization of the Human Brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 1-3.
Arsalidou, M., & Pascual-Leone, J. (2016). Constructivist developmental theory is needed in developmental neuroscience. npj-Science of Learning 1, 16016, 1-9. DOI: 10.1038/npjscilearn.2016.16
Arsalidou, M., & Im-Bolter, N., (2016). Why parametric measures are critical for understanding typical and atypical cognitive development.Brain Imaging and Behavior, 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s11682-016-9592-8
Pascual-Leone, J., Pascual-Leone, A., Arsalidou, M., (2015). Neuropsychology needs to model organismic processes “from within”. Brain and Behavioural Sciences, 38. DOI:
Powell, T. L., Arsalidou, M., Vogan, V. & Taylor, M.J., (2014). Letter and colour matching tasks: Parametric measure of developmental working memory capacity. Child Development Research. Article ID 961781. DOI:10.1155/2014/961781
Arsalidou, M., Duerden, E., & Taylor, M.J. (2013). The center of the brain: Topographical model of the motor, cognitive, affective and somatosensory functions of the basal ganglia. Human Brain Mapping, 34, 3031-3054. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.22124
Duerden, E., Arsalidou, M., Lee M., & Taylor, M.J. (2013). Lateralization of affective processes in the insula. NeuroImage. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.014
Arsalidou, M. (2013). Working memory capacity: The need for process task-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology 4, 257. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00257
Arsalidou, M., Pascual-Leone, J., Johnson, J., Morris, D. & Taylor, M. J. (2013). A balancing act of the brain: Activations and deactivations as a function of cognitive load. Brain and Behavior. DOI: 10.1002/brb3.128
Arsalidou, M., Agostino, A., Maxwell, S., & Taylor, M.J., (2013) “I can read these colours.” Orthographic manipulations and the development of the colour-word Stroop. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 594
Arsalidou, M., Barbeau E. J., Bayless, S. J., & Taylor, M. J. (2012). Our own face versus your partner’s face: Neural differentiations. In N. Payette, & B. Hardy-Vallee (Eds.), Connected Minds: Cognition and Interaction in the Social World (2-15). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Arsalidou, M., Morris, D., & Taylor, M.J. (2011). Converging evidence on the advantage of dynamic facial expressions. Brain Topography, 24, 149-163
Arsalidou, M., & Taylor, M.J. (2011). Is 2 + 2 = 4? Meta-analyses of brain areas needed for numbers and calculations. NeuroImage 54, 2382-2393
Arsalidou, M., Pascual-Leone, J., & Johnson, J. (2010). Misleading cues improve developmental assessment of working memory capacity: The colour matching tasks. Cognitive Development 25, 262-277
Arsalidou, M., Barbeau E. J., Bayless, S. J., & Taylor, M. J. (2010). Brain responses differ to faces of mothers and fathers. Brain and Cognition, 74(1), 47-51
Taylor, M. J., Arsalidou, M., Morris, D., Bayless, S. J., Evans, J., & Barbeau, E. J. (2009). Neural correlates of personally familiar faces: parents, partner and own faces. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 2008-2020

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